Saturday, September 1, 2012

Clint Eastwood Is This an Example of America

Clint Eastwood; Is this an example of America Now?

Clint Eastwood recently spoke at the Republican National Convention. Mr. Eastwood, a so called celebrity, mawked the Office of the President in a rather crude manner.  I never voted for President Obama for his first term.  Mr. Eastwood's presentation was classless, tasteless, and demonstrated his lack of intelligence. To be an American is generally something to be proud of. I am not sure after that night. Speakers such as Mark Rubio and the Presidential candidate did not voice their unpleasure of Mr. Eastwood's comments. When we regard normal human beings as Gods, they generally disappoint us. As you recall, Coach Paterno was considered a God. His likeness of himself use to be at the college stadium which had a halow around head.

I thought the upcoming election was about ideals and what is better for America.  Our Founding Fathers regarded respect, life and happiness of the utmost importance. Former President John Adams passed legislation when he served as Vice President that the President should be known as the Commander and Chief and always to be treated with respect. When President Adams left office it was reported that he rode back to his residence in a carriage with ordinary citizens. He responded to the people on the carriage that he is one of them, an ordinary citizen who served America. I think that we have lost something dear in this Country. Is Mark Rubio going to be one of our future leaders? If so, we are a Country with no moral fabric.

This is how it was when Our America began-
General Washington's Presidential Address

Here is an artist piece done by a close friend of mine in Florida by the name of Mark Gagnon. The piece shows the lives of two great Americans, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. They were with different political parties, but they had one cause, THE PEOPLE.

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