Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Florida Scams

Florida Scams

I have a very close friend who lives in South Florida. While living in New Hampshire, and even today, I hear of jokes like "want to buy swamp land?" This is of course directed to the people in Florida. My friend moved to Florida in 1997 and while employed at his first company, a person mentioned that she had been contacted by a complete stranger to ask her to deposit a check into her account and to wire a portion of it to the original sender. Of course, the woman was swindled for $20,000. The funny thing is that the same people are scammed over and over again. You would think if they are approached by someone to make some type of investment, no matter how small or big, that they would ask questions. A lot of people in Florida as well as other places in the country investment in Madof, although he lived there. My friend has advised me that there is an individual that is telling consumers to invest in him because he has guaranteed returns in asset based lending and real estate in Las Vegas and Arkansas. Most of these people who claim that they are investment counselors or agents, have no license whatsoever.

Usually, you will find a society vulnerable to these scams if there is lack of community, deteriorated education in that area, and of course a high degree of greed. The funny thing is, the same people are scammed. In order to guard against this is to ask questions and get information. If the answers are cloudy, then it is probably a scam. I know that Florida has a high degree of multi level marketing businesses which is mainly based on greed.  The people in the northeast are cautious and are not quicken to react to such unfound promises.

Best to All.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Health collage Collaborated between Michelle Demers and Marc Gagnon

Health collage Collaborated between Michelle Demers and Marc Gagnon

Recently, two friends of mine that are connected with the Innovation Forum, collaborated on an art piece together entitled The Health collage.

The piece addresses the current and massive problem concerning the health of America. Diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc. which are man made, are created due to poor diet, lack of exercise as well as life style.

Michelle Demers is a Nutritionist, and Fitness Trainer is currently writing a book on America's state of health or rather lack of it. Michelle is a graduate of University of NH and works for a number of gyms as well as a nutritionist in a hospital setting. The art piece entitled the Health collage will be on the backcover of the book.

Marc Gagnon, a photographic artist and a professional in the financial industry, has recognized the problem and has created a piece through Michelle's direction. The piece will be also used as part of a national campaign to educate the general population and will be in magazines, newspapers and medical journals.

The art piece is shown below. Thanks to my two friends, perhaps the citizens of this country will become healthier.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Breakfast Club Philosophy

The Breakfast Club International is a networking group which was created by Steven Wain and Marc Gagnon. There are two groups in Broward County which is aimed at directing business to its members which are local business people. The philosophy of the group is much different than other networking groups as BNI, NPA, Le Tip, PNA and other groups. The philosophy is catching on and there appears to be groups forming in New Hampshire and Massachusetts through the Innovation Forum groups which is a community based group, comprised of 13 chapters.

Here is the philosphy:

There are many such groups as PNA, BNI, NPI, Le Tip and Tri County and all of them essentially have the same philosophy as each other, What’s In It for Me.  The problem of this philosophy is that everyone is waiting for a referral for themselves which results in the same, a failed group.
The Breakfast Club analogy of working together is like a Fleet of Fishing Ships. There is a famous statue in Gloucester, Massachusetts which is a Memorial Statue of all fishermen that have died on the open seas. Instead of They That Go down with Their Ships; ours is THEY THAT DON’T GO DOWN WITH THEIR SHIPS.

The Breakfast Club is an assemblage of professional members aimed at business and personal improvement and to be a catalyst in growing each other's business.
The Breakfast Club is like a group of Fishing Boat Captains.
The Breakfast Club is looking for Captains (essentially leaders) but at the same time developing relationships and working together by investing in each other as a Fleet of Fishing Boats.  In essence, we all fish in the same waters and we go out at the same time to reel in the fish.
Every day they steer their boats to the mouth of the harbor and then out to the open sea to catch FISH. What makes them so special? Instead of heading out alone in different directions, they form a circle and drop their anchors and cast out their nets. Each one invests in each other to catch these fish.  We share our expertise, experience and sometimes materials. Remember, we have some 22 people that are loyal and dedicated to each other to help each other with a big catch. But, if individuals only state, “I have not gotten a referral or minimally received referrals, then that particular person has not enlisted in the Fleet.” By being focused on just themselves, they are not focused on each other. The only way a group can be successful is to look to each other to give.  If you are looking to the group to get your referrals like an Amway or Juice Plus person would instead in the rolodex that all of us have, then you will most likely never or seldom ever receive referrals.
They all have fish finders and the latest equipment aboard and let EVERYONE know where the FISH are.
It is not every day that all of them will come back with a boat load of FISH. What really matters is that by working together, ALL the Captains are happy to get their fair share.
 The group’s main focus is the following:
·         Getting to know each other including what they do, what makes them different, how they began, their experience, signs on referring them business and their hobbies.
·         Sharing best practices of marketing, business strategies, information on their industry, pitfalls of their industry, etc. If the person has written a column with regards to their industry for example, maybe that person will share their book or written material with the group. Remember, if this is a typical networking group, then the group will eventually fall apart, in other words go down with their ship.  Invest in each other is like investing time in yourself.
·         Look for other ship captains to bring to the group to expand it.
·         A referral or example of investing in the group is having one on ones periodically, introducing the person to clients or circles of influence and by bringing in a guest.
Using the group for advice such as reviewing a business plan, questions on marketing and advertising your business. Looking for expertise in each other.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Avenue Productions - Are They a Real Agency?

A close friend of mine created the below blog. It is really sad that people have to knock others down to lift themselves. In this case, Avenue Productions criticized Marc Gagnon's work in order to make $600 off Elina Sol. What type of people are they do so such a thing? As a Nun, I am quite shocked that there are services like them.

Avenue Productions - Are They a Real Agency?
This blog was written by Marc Gagnon of Marc Gagnon Inc.

Elina Sol, a model that I work with regularly recently visited Avenue Productions for her children. Avenue Productions attempted to sign Elina to the agency. Avenue Productions made claims that they get all types of work for their models. Personally, I have known some 46 models that have visited Avenue Productions and each of them never received work. Instead, they were sold photography and comp card services. This is known as a photography mill. They claim that their photographer is good and the models can attain work because of these photos.
Many years ago, I brought three models to CED (Cunningham Escott & Dipene), a NY based commercial print agency. The agency is now called CESD (Cunningham Escott Slevin & Dougherty). This was in the 80s and I was not an accomplished photographer at that time. They did not try to sell the models on photography and comp card services. Instead, they took the comp cards that I did and stickered the comp cards with their comp cards.
Elina Sol is only one of 3 models that I currently work with in South Florida. Elina has been paid for a number of photographic art pieces. My works are hanging in the Smithsonian, 4 United States Presidential Libraries, and my work has been featured on NBC News, WXEL Public TV, cover of the Sun Sentinel, Miami Herald, Indian Life and Style Magazine in India, the United Kingdom, and United States, Chicago Tribune, Photographic Society of America Journal, Nashua Telegraph, Framingham News, Lowell Sun, NH Magazine, the Concord Monitor, The Broadcaster, The Rangefinder Magazine, Via Magazine, Boca Raton News, Our Town News, The Coral Springs Forum, Parklander Magazine cover, Afrocentric News, Wiscasset News in Maine, Southbay News in NY, and a variety of other magazines. These are not published articles, they are featured articles. In other words, articles featuring my photographic art works.
Avenue Productions was making claims that their photographer is better. Of course, the photographer would charge some $600. Every model I have sent agencies to have never paid a dime to any agency. I question whether Avenue Productions is a legitimate agency based on the above information. I have also approached Avenue in the past in hiring some of their models. They literally did not know how to respond to this. Since I also refer models to agencies that have work to give models, if Avenue Productions was real, I would be considered a source of quality models.
Avenue Productions does not have headsheets, or an agency book such as Ford, Elite, Zoli, Click, Next Models, etc. This blog will be auto feed to all of the offices through Marc Gagnon Inc. throughout the country including the offices: Marc Gagnon Inc. - NH, Marc Gagnon Inc. - MA, Marc Gagnon Inc. - NYC, Marc Gagnon Inc. - Chicago, Marc Gagnon Inc. - Atlanta, Marc Gagnon Inc. - Charleston, Marc Gagnon Inc. - San Francisco, and Marc Gagnon Inc. - Florida.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Clint Eastwood Is This an Example of America

Clint Eastwood; Is this an example of America Now?

Clint Eastwood recently spoke at the Republican National Convention. Mr. Eastwood, a so called celebrity, mawked the Office of the President in a rather crude manner.  I never voted for President Obama for his first term.  Mr. Eastwood's presentation was classless, tasteless, and demonstrated his lack of intelligence. To be an American is generally something to be proud of. I am not sure after that night. Speakers such as Mark Rubio and the Presidential candidate did not voice their unpleasure of Mr. Eastwood's comments. When we regard normal human beings as Gods, they generally disappoint us. As you recall, Coach Paterno was considered a God. His likeness of himself use to be at the college stadium which had a halow around head.

I thought the upcoming election was about ideals and what is better for America.  Our Founding Fathers regarded respect, life and happiness of the utmost importance. Former President John Adams passed legislation when he served as Vice President that the President should be known as the Commander and Chief and always to be treated with respect. When President Adams left office it was reported that he rode back to his residence in a carriage with ordinary citizens. He responded to the people on the carriage that he is one of them, an ordinary citizen who served America. I think that we have lost something dear in this Country. Is Mark Rubio going to be one of our future leaders? If so, we are a Country with no moral fabric.

This is how it was when Our America began-
General Washington's Presidential Address

Here is an artist piece done by a close friend of mine in Florida by the name of Mark Gagnon. The piece shows the lives of two great Americans, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. They were with different political parties, but they had one cause, THE PEOPLE.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Emissary: Mythology or Reality

Emissary: Mythology or Reality

I have traveled to Europe on many occasions. My frequent stops have been in Madrid, France and of course The Vatican. On one of my trips to France, I visited The LaSalette Shrine located in LaSalette France. On one of my visits, I was privileged to have an audience with the Nuncio of France. He shared with me a book that appears to be written by the Apostle Paul. Paul was an Apostle who was originally a persecutor of Christians some 2,000 years ago. The story in the Bible states Paul was knocked off his horse by Christ which resulted in a change in his life. Paul was considered as an Emissary in the Christian faith. Paul wrote a book, some 333 pages long about a man that would act as an Emissary in the future. The word Emissary means someone with a mission that is undisclosed to others that works to create Peace. Paul wrote that this man would come down from Heaven and would slowly influence people for the good. Paul wrote that the man would be involved in 212 acts of kindness that would affect people's lives around him. The person is written to have been sent by his teacher and master who is Christ. At the same point in time, there would be considerable disruptions, both with weather, famine, war, and violence. In the book, it reads that there would be a land of enlightened people that would enter into darkness. The book reads that darkness would enter cities that their vary names mean light. According to the text, another man would appear that would outwardly convince people that he is this person when in effect he is the opposite. According to the maps furnished in the text, the man who would deceive the world would be out of Iran. . This evil person would unite a number of countries and this would result in WW III.

The person identified as the Emissary, is a normal man with great talents but is unassuming and humble. Paul designed a graph of the qualities that the Emissary would possess. This is below:

There is a man that I have met that has the qualities of the Emissary.  A long-time friend of this man created a scrap book of all the unusual occurrences he has been involved in. When this man was six years old, he mistakenly walked into a bedroom of a man that was a victim of polio and was encased in an iron lung. The afflicted man was negative to the World and the people around him. The six year ago confronted the man. As a result of this meeting, the man changed his life and wrote a book of motivation.  This book was published. This man was Richard Chaput. He performed hundreds of speeches in front of thousands. This gave Mr. Chaput notoriety and was recognized and honred by the President of the United States.  
On another story, this man worked at a local soup kitchen. He and the director of the soup kitchen found a man that was left for dead in an alley way. They got this man medical help and he became a customer of the soup kitchen. He changed his life over the next three years and became a fire fighter.  On one night he walked into a burning building and rescued three children. The children were left homeless. Their parents were only children and there were no relatives to take care of the children. The children were going to go into foster programs in the State. The fire fighter was engaged at the time and chose to adopt the children. The government responded “no.”  The fire fighter returned to the soup kitchen and met with the two people who changed his life. The man I identify as the possible Emissary came up an idea to visit each of the churches that donate food and essentials to the soup kitchen to plead their case of the fire fighter. The people responded with a petition and the order was reversed and the fire fighter and his bride adopted the children. Today, the fire fighter is the Chief of the fire department.
With regards to another story, the man was requested to visit a prison as part of his job. He accompanied a social worker and performed the duties as a notary public. The person they visited was convicted of drug sales and for using. The man that I am writing up visited the prisoner for five years each month resulting in changing the man’s life.  He completed a Bachelor Degree in Psychology and eventually a Master’s Degree in Social Work.  He eventually become a counselor and treats the people that he used to be.
There are some 208 other stories much like this.  Some of these stories are more compelling of what I have just written about. Some of the effects have even been felt in Pakistan and Iraq and with the help of America's troops. Yet, this person is somewhat unknown. According to the text, this man will receive accolades from Heads of State, the rich and powerful, and will receive the ultimate award which a number of people I know say that the person will be knighted.  Actually, the man has already begun to receive accolades from Heads of State pertaining to what he does for a living.  If this occurs, then I believe that story is not myth. As the conclusion of the story unravels, the man literally wakes up and is the combination of what he was and what he has learned. He would confront the deceptive person out of Iran with six other friends and will be united with the one who has sent him. This is what the story written by Paul is laid out.
Below are pictures of the shrine where I was told about this story. I was also physically shown this some 2,000 year old text. Is it mythology or reality?