Sunday, November 4, 2012

Health collage Collaborated between Michelle Demers and Marc Gagnon

Health collage Collaborated between Michelle Demers and Marc Gagnon

Recently, two friends of mine that are connected with the Innovation Forum, collaborated on an art piece together entitled The Health collage.

The piece addresses the current and massive problem concerning the health of America. Diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc. which are man made, are created due to poor diet, lack of exercise as well as life style.

Michelle Demers is a Nutritionist, and Fitness Trainer is currently writing a book on America's state of health or rather lack of it. Michelle is a graduate of University of NH and works for a number of gyms as well as a nutritionist in a hospital setting. The art piece entitled the Health collage will be on the backcover of the book.

Marc Gagnon, a photographic artist and a professional in the financial industry, has recognized the problem and has created a piece through Michelle's direction. The piece will be also used as part of a national campaign to educate the general population and will be in magazines, newspapers and medical journals.

The art piece is shown below. Thanks to my two friends, perhaps the citizens of this country will become healthier.