Sunday, July 22, 2012

Emissary: Mythology or Reality

Emissary: Mythology or Reality

I have traveled to Europe on many occasions. My frequent stops have been in Madrid, France and of course The Vatican. On one of my trips to France, I visited The LaSalette Shrine located in LaSalette France. On one of my visits, I was privileged to have an audience with the Nuncio of France. He shared with me a book that appears to be written by the Apostle Paul. Paul was an Apostle who was originally a persecutor of Christians some 2,000 years ago. The story in the Bible states Paul was knocked off his horse by Christ which resulted in a change in his life. Paul was considered as an Emissary in the Christian faith. Paul wrote a book, some 333 pages long about a man that would act as an Emissary in the future. The word Emissary means someone with a mission that is undisclosed to others that works to create Peace. Paul wrote that this man would come down from Heaven and would slowly influence people for the good. Paul wrote that the man would be involved in 212 acts of kindness that would affect people's lives around him. The person is written to have been sent by his teacher and master who is Christ. At the same point in time, there would be considerable disruptions, both with weather, famine, war, and violence. In the book, it reads that there would be a land of enlightened people that would enter into darkness. The book reads that darkness would enter cities that their vary names mean light. According to the text, another man would appear that would outwardly convince people that he is this person when in effect he is the opposite. According to the maps furnished in the text, the man who would deceive the world would be out of Iran. . This evil person would unite a number of countries and this would result in WW III.

The person identified as the Emissary, is a normal man with great talents but is unassuming and humble. Paul designed a graph of the qualities that the Emissary would possess. This is below:

There is a man that I have met that has the qualities of the Emissary.  A long-time friend of this man created a scrap book of all the unusual occurrences he has been involved in. When this man was six years old, he mistakenly walked into a bedroom of a man that was a victim of polio and was encased in an iron lung. The afflicted man was negative to the World and the people around him. The six year ago confronted the man. As a result of this meeting, the man changed his life and wrote a book of motivation.  This book was published. This man was Richard Chaput. He performed hundreds of speeches in front of thousands. This gave Mr. Chaput notoriety and was recognized and honred by the President of the United States.  
On another story, this man worked at a local soup kitchen. He and the director of the soup kitchen found a man that was left for dead in an alley way. They got this man medical help and he became a customer of the soup kitchen. He changed his life over the next three years and became a fire fighter.  On one night he walked into a burning building and rescued three children. The children were left homeless. Their parents were only children and there were no relatives to take care of the children. The children were going to go into foster programs in the State. The fire fighter was engaged at the time and chose to adopt the children. The government responded “no.”  The fire fighter returned to the soup kitchen and met with the two people who changed his life. The man I identify as the possible Emissary came up an idea to visit each of the churches that donate food and essentials to the soup kitchen to plead their case of the fire fighter. The people responded with a petition and the order was reversed and the fire fighter and his bride adopted the children. Today, the fire fighter is the Chief of the fire department.
With regards to another story, the man was requested to visit a prison as part of his job. He accompanied a social worker and performed the duties as a notary public. The person they visited was convicted of drug sales and for using. The man that I am writing up visited the prisoner for five years each month resulting in changing the man’s life.  He completed a Bachelor Degree in Psychology and eventually a Master’s Degree in Social Work.  He eventually become a counselor and treats the people that he used to be.
There are some 208 other stories much like this.  Some of these stories are more compelling of what I have just written about. Some of the effects have even been felt in Pakistan and Iraq and with the help of America's troops. Yet, this person is somewhat unknown. According to the text, this man will receive accolades from Heads of State, the rich and powerful, and will receive the ultimate award which a number of people I know say that the person will be knighted.  Actually, the man has already begun to receive accolades from Heads of State pertaining to what he does for a living.  If this occurs, then I believe that story is not myth. As the conclusion of the story unravels, the man literally wakes up and is the combination of what he was and what he has learned. He would confront the deceptive person out of Iran with six other friends and will be united with the one who has sent him. This is what the story written by Paul is laid out.
Below are pictures of the shrine where I was told about this story. I was also physically shown this some 2,000 year old text. Is it mythology or reality?